
API Governance

Traceable helps organizations ensure that APIs are being used effectively, consistently and securely within an organization, and that they align with the overall business strategy and objectives.

Our approach to API Governance promotes the use of API security best practices to minimize risk, and to optimize the value that APIs bring to your customers.
What is API Governance?
API governance refers to the set of policies, processes, and practices that are put in place to manage and oversee the use of APIs in an organization. API governance involves defining standards for how APIs should be designed, developed, and deployed, as well as establishing guidelines for how they should be used and maintained over time.

API governance typically involves a combination of technical and non-technical measures, including:

1. Defining API design and development standards, such as the use of specific technologies or architectures

2. Establishing policies for how APIs should be documented, tested, and deployed

3. Setting guidelines for how APIs should be secured and managed, including authentication and authorization protocols

4. Defining roles and responsibilities for API development and management, including who is responsible for developing, testing, and maintaining APIs

5. Establishing processes for monitoring and reporting on the use and performance of APIs

6. Providing support and training to API developers and users to help them understand and follow API governance policies and practices.

API Governance Challenges:
  • 3rd-Party API Risk It can be challenging to manage the risks associated with exposing APIs to external parties, and ensure the security and privacy of API data.

    There are security and privacy risks, legal and regulatory risks, as well as the risk of misuse or abuse of APIs.
  • Complex Ecosystem As the number of APIs and API users within an organization grows, it can become increasingly difficult to manage and oversee their use.

    This can lead to inconsistency in API design and functionality, and difficulties in tracking and managing API usage.
  • Lack of API Strategy Without a clear API strategy, it can be difficult to ensure that the APIs being developed are aligned with the overall business objectives of the organization.

    This can lead to APIs that are not fit for purpose or do not deliver the desired value.
How Traceable Helps Ensure
API Governance
  • Eliminate
    API Sprawl
    Discover and catalog all APIs in your environment - internal, external, 3rd-party, and partner, and sensitive data flows between them.
  • API Risk Assessment
    Obtain an API risk assessment, discover where you are vulnerable, and get recommendations to reduce risk.
  • Protect
    All APIs
    Stop API attacks, business logic abuse attacks, as well as API abuse, fraud, and sensitive data exfiltration.
Get the Guide to API Governance
Best Practices for Building and Sustaining a Robust API Governance Program

In this whitepaper, we answer the most pressing questions about API Security and API Governance, and how organizations can start implementing a governance strategy that aligns with their objectives.

The paper covers how to overcome common challenges, API ownership, API data classification, and how to assess risk.

A Modern Approach to
Support API Governance
Achieve API Governance with Traceable API Security
Complete API Visibility

An important step in establishing API Governance, is to gain complete visibility into your API sprawl.

Traceable automatically discovers all of your APIs in a data-rich catalog for a complete always up-to date inventory of your API ecosystem. This includes HTTP, RESTful, GraphQL, SOAP, XML-RPC, JSON-RPC, and gRPC.

This ultimately addresses lack of visibility, also identifying any shadow and orphaned APIs, and notifies of any real-time API changes. Traceable maps your app topologies, any data accessed by any APIs, and sensitive data flows, including connectivity between edge APIs, internal services, and data stores.

Instantly View Sensitive Data Flows

An important aspect to API Discovery is being able to see exactly where sensitive data resides and where it traverses across multiple points.

API Catalog maps your app topologies and data flows, including connectivity between edge APIs, internal services, and data stores.

API Threat Protection

Automatically detect and stop known and unknown API attacks, business logic abuse attacks, as well as API abuse, fraud, and sensitive data exfiltration.

1. Detect anomalies, exfiltration, attacks
2. Runtime exploit prevention
3. Defend against attacks- OWASP Web Top 10, OWASP API Top 10, and many others.
4. User and threat actor tracking
5. Business Logic Abuse Protection
6. Stop data exfiltration, fraudulent activities, and bot mitigation
7. Create and track incidents and other security issues

See Our Approach to API Governance
Request a demo today.
Additional Capabilities for
API Governance Initiatives

Data Collection and Deployment
Built for Massive Scale

Traceable supports very large deployments consisting of thousands of API endpoints, and billions of API calls -- with flexible data collection and deployment options, including agentless or agents, depending on your needs.

1. fully out-of-band via network log analysis of AWS, GCP, and Azure Clouds,

2. Collection by instrumentation within your API gateway, proxies, or service mesh, and

3. in-app data collection through instrumentation by language-specific agents or socket filtering.

For highly regulated industries, Traceable can be deployed 100% on-premise in a fully air-gapped model, without sacrificing protection, speed or scalability.

Zero Trust API Access

Today’s cloud-based, API-driven, microservices-based applications all extensively operate using APIs to communicate between users/NPE’s (non-person entities) to applications, and between applications and application components.

API Security solutions are essential to aligning Zero Trust thinking with the realities of today’s application architectures and extending the Zero Trust security model to the full application stack.

However, to date, APIs have been largely neglected by Zero Trust models. In addition, digital transformation demands and DevSecOps processes at organizations have created new gaps and vulnerabilities attackers can exploit.

Traceable's API security platform builds on your Zero Trust Security strategy. We map to the NIST Zero Trust framework, as it covers reference architecture, data security, as well as compliance measures for defense in depth security.

Threat Intelligence and
Root Cause Analysis

Traceable provides robust analytics and threat intelligence capabilities that power root cause analysis, forensic research, and incident response.

1. API security data lake: collect and analyze the end-to-end path trace of all API calls and service behaviors. An API security data lake allows your SOC team, incident responders, threat hunters, as well as red teams and blue teams to conduct instant security analysis and root cause analysis.

2. Understand API traffic and user attribution: Understand API traffic history of user attributed transactions, sequences, and flows and perform post mortem reviews and analysis for any API security incidents.

3. Threat Hunting to reveal unknown API vulnerabilities: Perform threat hunting to reveal potentially unknown API vulnerabilities and visualize user behavior analytics to uncover fraud and abuse.

This level of security analytics enables SOC teams and threat hunters to optimize APIs and service behaviors to prevent the possibility of any data breach, ransomware, abuse, or data exfiltration.

See our API Security
Platform in action
Request a demo today.