Executive Perspectives on Zero Trust - Getting Beyond Marketing Hype

Zero Trust is a term well known among cybersecurity professionals. However, it’s often overused and misused. Now, it seems every security company claims they enable Zero Trust – without clearly defining the specifics and the value add. For modern cloud native apps and APIs Authentication and Authorization form the fundamental basis of identity and trust.

In this first series of three panel discussions on Zero Trust, join a lineup of experts from different areas of cybersecurity and engineering, as they provide a new perspective into the world of secure user access, API Security, and how the right solutions can empower developers to produce secure software, faster.

- The modern challenges of AuthN and AuthZ for both APIs and users
- User identification in an API first world and how access control needs to account for it.
- The current limitations of Zero Trust and what must be done, from a secure access perspective, to further enhance the framework.
- Mistakes we’ve made along the way, and what you can do to prevent them.