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In an increasingly connected world, cars are no longer just mechanical; they’re rolling computers with intricate software systems powered by APIs and apps. However, this digital transformation comes with risks. The newest research from Traceable ASPEN examines four recent case studies of vulnerabilities, distilling these issues’ technical how and why. From central locking systems to fleet management systems and supplier networks, affecting automakers to insurers. This latest whitepaper distills the key findings and technical vulnerabilities that cars have encountered, shedding light on the urgent need for robust automotive security practices. This includes expert analysis of the most impactful security research in the auto industry and new vulnerabilities discovered by ASPEN, one of which enabled the export of 17,000 customer database records, and another where it was possible to real-time track vehicles around the world.

Wondering how your security processes measure up? Download the full whitepaper with expert analysis and actionable advice to develop your API security programme.