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Customer deep-dive on how they solved for API Sprawl, API Discovery and Threat Protection across multiple clouds.

Informatica is a large software development company founded in 1993, headquartered in Silicon Valley, with nearly $2 Billion in revenue. Its core products include Enterprise Cloud Data Management and Data Integration.

Their mission is to empower businesses to realize the transformative power of data, facilitating over 44 trillion cloud transactions per month for their 5000+ enterprise customers across the globe.

Informatica’s cloud security team chose Traceable to tackle numerous challenges related to API security. Namely, API Sprawl, API Discovery and API Threat Protection, to span over three public clouds – Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Prior to Traceable, their previous solutions, including a manual process of API discovery and a Web Application Firewall (WAF), were insufficient at identifying APIs, as well as providing visibility across teams, and protection for sensitive data transmitted via API.

Watch this session to learn:

  • Informatica’s top API security challenges — API Sprawl, API Discovery and Security Posture Management, deployed across multiple clouds — and how they achieved their business and security outcomes with Traceable.
  • How Informatica was able to realize additional benefits such as 70% greater visibility into all APIs, how they saved 60+ FTE hours and 100k/year, and much more.
  • How Traceable was able to replace their legacy WAF, and the additional security and business benefits that came from that shift.


Pathik Patel
Head of Cloud Security