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Do you love the idea of robbing a bank? Good news you can, totally ethically. Join us for the next live API Security Masterclass. We’ll cover an introduction to APIs, what kind of vulnerabilities are in APIs, how you can find them, and how you can test your own APIs. Whether you’re on the blue team and trying to understand threats, a hacker new to APIs or a developer trying to better understand how your code can go wrong, these live classes will tell you everything you need to know. And don’t leave it on in the background, these are interactive sessions so you can get the most out of it!

So we now know what an API is and how to discover them, including some of the tools we use to perform common tasks like API recon, but what do we actually need to look out for? Well that’s where the OWASP API Top 10 comes in. It’s a list of common API security flaws created by API security experts. Each entry represents a serious security issue that can occur in APIs. But is it up to date? Yes! It was refreshed in 2023.

We’re going to dive deep into the changes and look at each vulnerability in depth. From injection to authentication we’ll explore these vulnerabilities and talk about what they are, how they work and how to attack and defend against them. We’ll unravel the tangled mess of access control and talk about how each type works and what the new access control issues are. We’ll also discuss the chaining of APIs and potential risks both upstream and downstream APIs. Whether you’re a security engineer, a developer or a hacker we’ll equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to keep APIs safe.

Traceable is a leading API security vendor, we monitor some of the worlds largest APIs in some of the most sensitive industries. API security education from the API security experts.

Meet Your Guide: Dr. Katie Paxton-Fear

Dr. Katie Paxton-Fear, a trailblazer in API security, will be your guide throughout this masterclass. Benefit from her wealth of knowledge as she navigates through APIs, vulnerabilities, and the strategies to fortify your security posture.

Don’t Miss Your Chance! Enroll Now for a Deeper Understanding of API Security.


Dr. Katie Paxton-Fear
Ethical Hacker