Traceable Webinar Lineup for September: API Abuse, Data Breaches and API Security Testing

Jen Parker
September 15, 2022

Traceable September Webinar Lineup

Here at Traceable, we’re working hard to bring you informative content and webinars, guaranteed to help inform your API security decisions. This month, we have quite the lineup of exciting topics to share.

API Sprawl: What It Is and How to Tackle It

APIs are booming, and as the majority of sensitive data in your organization now flows through APIs, you need to discover all of your APIs and sensitive data so you can protect it from exfiltration and malicious attacks. As the key attack vector, cataloging and securing your APIs should be top-of-mind for your security team. WAFs are not sufficient to discover your APIs or protect your data, as monolithic architectures give way to microservices and distributed applications, and many companies face limited visibility into what is happening across their systems.The introduction of API Sprawl introduces serious operational and security challenges, and solving for API cataloging and protection across multiple clusters requires a single source of truth - something only an end-to-end API Security Platform can provide. Applying Shift Left capabilities to your API security program may seem overwhelming, but in our September webinar lineup we will address preventing sensitive data exfiltration, shifting your API security left, and how FinServ and Real Estate company, Houwzer, automated and continuous API discovery, and API threat protection.

How API Abuse is Causing More Data Breaches

First, in our API Abuse: Data Breaches Webinar on September 20, Sudeep Padiyar, Director of Product Management at Traceable, will discuss preventing data leakage across your APIs. As the majority of sensitive data now flows through API's in organizations, data leakage needs to be prevented by monitoring behavioral anomalies anchored around sensitive data sets. This is a more technical presentation. Sudeep will cover how building baselines of sensitive data usage by the standard user population vis a vis suspicious users, API call flow, inter API time intervals, and device fingerprinting, etc., can help prevent sensitive data exfiltration via APIs. This session will also include examples of how a range of API Abuse patterns have been detected using this approach.

API Security Testing: The Missing Link in API Security

Following that session, on September 27, we’re presenting our AST Webinar to explain Traceable AI is delivering true Shift Left security capabilities with API Security Testing in order to find and fix API security issues in pre-production. In this session, Sudeep will show you how to eliminate the risk of vulnerable APIs, how Traceable’s rapid scans help organizations maintain the speed of innovation, and how you can eliminate expensive and cumbersome application security tooling, to further your API security strategy.

Join Traceable Customer, Houwzer, for PII Protection with API Security

Finally, on September 29, tune in for a customer webinar with Houwzer! The Company will outline the importance of securing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) by using granular API discovery to automatically identify all APIs, as well as sensitive data flows, and manage their API security risk posture. This is a great opportunity to see first hand from one of our customers, how they’re benefiting from Traceable’s end-to-end API security platform.

Join Us!

We’re excited to offer attendees the insights of industry thought-leaders in API Security.  Register for these events below to gain further understanding of how you can address your top API security use cases with Traceable.

Reserve your spot today!


About Traceable

Traceable is the industry’s leading API security platform that identifies and tests APIs, evaluates API risk posture, stops API attacks, and provides deep analytics for threat hunting and forensic research. With visual depictions of API paths at the core of its technology, its platform applies the power of distributed tracing and machine learning models for API security across the entire development lifecycle. Visual depictions provide insight into user and API behaviors to understand anomalies and block API attacks, enabling organizations to be more secure and resilient. Learn more at

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