
Join Traceable
at RSA 2024

May 6 - May 9 2024 - San Francisco
Moscone Center

Booth #5250 and #3242

Learn how to overcome your API security challenges at RSA with the market leading API security solution - Traceable AI.
Learn from Traceable thought leaders
Join the API security market leader at this year's RSA.

Traceable will be presenting several innovative and informative sessions from our experts in API security.

These speaking sessions will cover both technical and thought leadership tracks, including:

  • - Zero Trust
  • - Fraud Prevention
  • - API Security Posture Management + AST
  • - Business Case for API Security
Meet and learn from industry leaders and experts
  • Sanjay Nagaraj Traceable CTO

  • Katie Paxton Fear API Security Educator
  • Sudeep Padyar Traceable Product Manager
  • Richard Bird Traceable CSO and API Security Evangelist

  • Tyler Sheilds API Security Head Evangelist and former Forrester Analyst
  • Anjum Ahuja Security research team leader
  • Jayesh Ahire Traceable Product Manager

  • Amod Gupta Traceable Product Manager
Key Traceable Sessions @ RSA 2024
Sponsor Briefing
The Compliance Police are coming for your APIs!

Regulatory & compliance demands have rarely been prescriptive. Most agencies allow for a broad interpretation by enterprises on how they meet the security expectations of the government. But, APIs are clearly different in this regard. Agencies like OCC & FFIEC are setting specific demands. CFPB, FTC, SWIFT, PCI follow suit. Understand implications for your security program before compliance hits.

Track Session
I'm an API Hacker and here's how I hack everything from the Military to AI

Are you a hacker who loves APIs? Perhaps for obvious reasons: they are really vulnerable! This session will reveal that while one may not actually have really technical, amazing vulnerabilities, people often make silly mistakes and there are things developers forget. Learn about four of the ‘best’ bug bounty finds, how they were discovered, and how anyone can find them too.

On Demand Briefing
The Unknown and Unmitigated Risks of APIs

API usage has exploded over the last few years, unleashing massive amounts of business value and citizen benefits. But, with great power comes great responsibility. Corporations and agencies in the US, and around the world, have failed on the responsibility part of this equation. Arriving at the ultimate evolution of virtualization, API usage in Layer 7, has come with the escalating cost of massive breaches and losses. Richard Bird shares the best practices, strategies and vision needed to address this problem using real-world examples of novel attacks and breach consequences observed in his role as Chief Security Officer for Traceable AI.

RSA Party
Monday, May 6th | Join us at The Grand, Monday May 6th from 6:30 - 8:30 PM, for GuidePoint Security's RSA Party!
SVCI RSA Celebration
Tuesday, May 7th | Exclusive event for SVCI members, portfolio founders, and invited security practitioners. Space is limited.
Amazing API Security Talks

There is SO much to learn at the Traceable AI booth - you don't want to miss out:

Customer Session: Informatica
API Visibility and Security

Stop by our booth (#5250) on Wednesday (5/8), from 1:00 – 3:00 PT, to learn how Informatica achieved over 90% visibility into its API infrastructure through an intuitive dashboard. This allowed them to efficiently manage API risks and assess their attack surface, especially across multi-cloud environments. When the Log4j vulnerability emerged, Traceable proactively identified related events, showcasing its immediate value in risk management and incident response.




Customer Session: TBD (coming soon)
API Security and Protection

Learn how the massive scale of e-commerce at TBD (coming soon) addressed the API security challenges they are facing.

CTF | Capture The Flag
Hands on API Security

Can you find the bad guys before they attack? The clock is ticking! Take the Trace Me If You Can challenge: 3 minutes to find 40 flags, but there can only be one winner! Get hands-on with the Traceable product, survey the API’s security posture, and hunt down threat actors as we challenge you to spot the attack! Will you focus on tracking down a single attack for big points or bounce from question to question as you assemble an API overview, racking up points on the way? Whatever your strategy, you get two tries, so make it count! Has it been a while since you’ve got into the weeds of incident response? Don’t worry; we’ve also got some API security trivia too. Experience contextual API security first-hand, and be in for a chance to win a premium Lego set!.

Interested in attending RSA?
Reach out to our team to request a complimentary pass.