The first step in achieving effective API security is to know what your API exposure is. You can not secure what you do not know about.
Walk through the Traceable product, at your own pace, as you look to know all of your APIs (including your documented ones, shadow, orphaned, and 3rd party) and the services that use them.
Use automated API risk scoring to prioritize your focus. And find and investigate sensitive data exposure to focus remediation efforts.
Protecting APIs has different requirements than protecting from traditional web application attacks. This is the primary reason that WAFs and API gateways are not adequate to secure your APIs.
In order to effectively protect from both known and unknown attacks, a wider and deeper set of data is needed to understand the application logic and expected API and user behaviors.
Walk through the Traceable product, at your own pace, as you investigate security events and complete threat actor activity timelines, and then take immediate and direct action by blocking the threat actor.
Cyber attacks can come fast and furious, or low and slow. Detecting and blocking a few can be just the tip of the iceberg. What else did the threat actor get to? Did they exfiltrate any sensitive data? Are they still a threat?
The Traceable data lake provides explorable deep data on all API transactions, which enables you to answer these questions.
Walk through the Traceable product, at your own pace, as you view detailed attack details, including the threat actor’s API kill chain, investigate adjacent attacks, and identify exfiltrated sensitive data.