Zero Trust Pioneer John Kindervag Joins Traceable as an Advisor

Team Traceable
March 14, 2023

Zero Trust Pioneer John Kindervag Joins Traceable as an Advisor

We're excited to announce that Zero Trust pioneer, John Kindervag, has joined Traceable as an advisor!As one of the world’s foremost cybersecurity experts, Kindervag will be deeply involved in the product strategy for Traceable’s API Security Platform, as well as helping Traceable educate the market on the urgency of prioritizing API security.

John Kindervag, who currently serves as SVP, Cybersecurity Strategy, and Global Fellow at ON2IT, is the first in a series of experts to support Traceable’s mission to revolutionize the API security market.

“APIs offer companies an unprecedented opportunity to drive economic growth,” shared Kindervag. “But most people don’t understand how they work or why they essentially offer hackers the most direct route to the sensitive data they’re seeking. Traceable understands both the economic potential as well as the danger that APIs present for organizations and their customers, and I’m excited to work with them on bringing API security to the forefront of the industry’s priorities.”Kindervag joins Traceable at a time of rapid growth for the company, coming off the heels of record growth in 2022, and recent industry award recognition, including the TMCnet Zero Trust Excellence Award, The DEVIES Award, and The Cybersecurity Excellence Awards. In addition to lending his voice and expertise, working closely with Traceable’s customers and his unparalleled expertise in the Zero Trust framework, Kindervag will help shape Traceable’s approach to product development and direction, to further empower Traceable to offer the industry and their customers innovative and advanced solutions for securing their APIs through the entire software development lifecycle. “APIs have become the universal attack vector,” said Traceable Co-Founder and CTO, Sanjay Nagaraj. “In the past, hackers had to find ways of bypassing existing solutions, such as WAFs, DLP, and API Gateways, in order to find data and disrupt systems. Now, they can simply exploit an API, and obtain access to sensitive data, and not even have to exploit the other solutions in an organization's security stack. APIs present the largest attack surface we have ever encountered in the industry. It’s for this very reason, we are committed to our mission to protect every API, and that includes bringing on the right experts to help us fulfill that mission. We are thrilled to be working with John Kindervag, an industry pioneer who understands both the economic potential for APIs, as well as the urgency of API security, but also has the expertise to help us realize the full potential of Zero Trust in relation to APIs. Zero Trust without API security is simply not Zero Trust, and we are well on our way to providing the industry with innovative solutions to enhance and build on the Zero Trust framework.”

About Traceable

Traceable is the industry’s leading API security platform that identifies APIs, evaluates API risk posture, stops API attacks, and provides deep analytics for threat hunting and forensic research. With visual depictions of API paths at the core of its technology, its platform applies the power of distributed tracing and machine learning models for API security across the entire development lifecycle. Visual depictions provide insight into user and API behaviors to understand anomalies and block API attacks, enabling organizations to be more secure and resilient. Learn more at

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