Traceable wins 2021 Fortress Cyber Security Award

Sanjay Nagaraj
June 15, 2021

I am both proud and honored to share that The Business Intelligence Group has just announced that Traceable has earned its 2021 Fortress Cyber Security award for application security!

This is a testament to the dedication and hard work of an incredibly talented Traceable team of engineers, data scientists, and industry leaders who are building a security platform for the future.  It is also a validation of our vision of the future and the challenges our industry is facing.

When Jyoti and I started Traceable in 2019, we shared a vision of the future, where innovation was fueled by the combination of microservices, APIs, and DevOps practices. The problem we saw was that with amazing innovation, there were enormous new security challenges to overcome.

For example, applications would no longer be safe behind a firewall or isolated in a data center, the entire application would be exposed through APIs to the world. Attackers would be able to rapidly pivot and take advantage of new vulnerabilities, often faster than first responders. Since APIs are rapidly changing and there is no fixed perimeter anymore, security in the future must be a team effort, aligned across the lifecycle, where developers, analysts, operations, and security are aligned and working in concert with each other.

The future is now.  

  • Today, organizations are building new applications and are participating in the “API Economy”.
  • Today, the concept of “Zero Trust” is at the core of security strategies, from presidential executive orders to CISOs everywhere.
  • Today, more than ever the demand for “Shield Right” (and “Shift Left”) security is driving teams to collaborate and align to minimize and manage risk.

Our approach is simple.

API Observability and Machine Learning enables robust application security that can scale and match the threats in today’s rapidly changing landscape. Based on my experience solving the incredibly complex challenges of application monitoring and performance, I know how critical it is to understand the inner workings of an application in order to discover and address anomalies and risks. Our team of data science pioneers has been developing robust models that can analyze API traffic, understand, and react to deviations from normal. It’s not possible to do that from the outside looking in. It is only possible when security is from the inside out.

I want to thank our customers, investors, advisors, and the amazing Traceable team for helping us to earn this recognition.

We would love to hear from you and learn about your security challenges.

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